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COMECE-FAFCE reflection on the role of the elderly in times of demographic change
Press Release COMECE-FAFCE reflection on the role of the elderly in times of demographic change “Elderly people are a gift and a resource, [...] they cannot be seen as separated from communities”, states FAFCE, together with the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences...
Oppose Child Euthanasia
The Netherlands Minister of Health, Hugo de Jonge, announced on October 12 that their government will amend or re-interpret the euthanasia law to permit child euthanasia. Please sign this petition and express your opposition to child euthanasia: ...
Third webinar on euthanasia
Family Solidarity will host a third ZOOM webinar on Tuesday 1st December at 7.30 pm (Irish time) Léopold Vanbellingen of the European Institute of Bioethics (IEB) in Brussels will give a talk on Euthanasia in Belgium and Netherlands: How the slippery slope is turning...
A new campaign to expand the grounds for abortion in Ireland
The Irish abortion law is to be reviewed next year and the campaign to expand its grounds has already started. A recent newspaper article presented the tragic story of an unborn baby who had received a diagnosis of a chromosome abnormality. As this diagnosis fell...
Gene Editing and Planned Personhood
The specter of “planned personhood” crops up again and again throughout science fiction, from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and Star Trek’s “Eugenics Wars.” Genetic engineers in such stories are morally compromised at best, depraved at...
Family is the heart of the post-pandemic recovery
FAFCE held today its bi-annual Board Meeting, gathering representatives of Members Associations from all over Europe. Sharing the same concerns for the future of Europe after the pandemic, FAFCE Members adopted a Resolution on “Family is the heart of the post-pandemic...
Assisted suicide, euthanasia and dying in dignity. A view from Belgium and the Netherlands
A talk given by Dr Vicent Kemme to Family Solidarity on the 7th November. Dr Vincent Kemme is a biologist from the Netherlands, former...
European Parliament recognises the importance of the family in Employment and social policies
On October 22nd, the European Parliament adopted a Resolution on “Employment and social policies of the Euro area 2020” which recognises the vital importance of families and offers specific improvements in four different areas, as described in following paragraphs....
How ‘science’ was used to victimise unmarried mothers
In Ireland in the past, unmarried mothers and their children were harshly treated as a result of a potent brew of Victorian values and a strict application of Catholic morality. But as we will see, in other countries such as Britain and Sweden, the ‘science’ of...
Family Solidarity will host a second ZOOM webinar on ASSISTED SUICIDE, EUTHANASIA AND DYING WITH DIGNITY Saturday 7th November at 11 am (Irish time) Dr Vincent Kemme will speak about the situation in Belgium and the Netherlands, with some reflections on the...
Euthanasia’s Slippery Slope in Netherlands Set to Snare Children
The Euthanasia Act of the Netherlands provides that a doctor who performs euthanasia, or assists in suicide, cannot be prosecuted and punished if he meets a number of due care requirements. He must verify that the request is voluntary and durable. Furthermore, the...
Clergy who hold acts of public worship can go to prison under new Covid measures
Under new Covid restrictions passed into law last night in the Dail, a priest can now be fined, or imprisoned, or both, for saying Mass in public. The same applies to any minister of religion who holds a public act of worship. This is drastic, draconian and...
Family Solidarity hosted an on line ZOOM webinar on ASSISTED SUICIDE, EUTHANASIA AND DYING WITH DIGNITY On Thursday 15th October at 19.30 (Irish time) Dr Noreen O’Carroll presented a paper on the above topic and it was followed by a discussion with a panel which...
Once euthanasia is introduced, the grounds always expand
Last night the Dáil voted in favour of moving Gino Kenny’s assisted suicide bill past the second stage of the legislation process, and to committee stage. Several senior Government figures voted in favour of it including Leo Varadkar, Helen McEntee, Stephen Donnelly...
Dail rushes to embrace assisted suicide
On the 2nd October the Dail debated Gino Kenny’s assisted suicide bill. But it wasn’t a debate because only one TD opposed to the bill was allowed to speak, namely Peter Fitzpatrick, and he was given only four minutes. In other words, 71 out of the 75 minutes allotted...
New Vatican document sets out clearly the case against assisted suicide
Last week, the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, published ‘The Good Samaritan’, a letter approved by the Pope decrying euthanasia. It is very timely from the point of view of the assisted suicide bill currently before the Dáil. Some form of it could be passed...
Position Papers – October 2020
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Why leading doctors oppose assisted suicide
A Private Members’ Bill seeking to permit assisted suicide will be debated in the Dáil next week. It is proposed by Solidarity-People Before Profit TD Gino Kenny. The last time when this issue was discussed in Leinster House, three years ago, some of the strongest...
Legislators who legalise euthanasia are ‘accomplices of a grave sin’
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's 20-page document, ‘The Good Samaritan’ warns that “Incurable cannot mean that care has come at an end”. As more countries contemplate the legalisation of euthanasia and assisted suicide, the Vatican on Tuesday issued a...
Assisted Suicide Bill introduced in the Dail is fatally flawed
A Private Members’ Bill permitting Assisted Suicide has been introduced to the Dail today by Gino Kenny TD. Some media reports say the Bill has strong safeguards and is limited in scope. This is totally false. Its definition of ‘terminal illness’ is incredibly broad,...
Father-child playtime may improve children’s ability to control emotions, aggression later in life
CAMBRIDGE, United Kingdom – Early interactions between parents and their children are critical in shaping physical and mental development. While most research focuses on mothers and their kids, a new study suggests that father-child playtime may enhance a child’s...
Coronavirus: Teens’ anxiety levels dropped during pandemic, study finds
Anxiety levels among young teenagers dropped during the coronavirus pandemic, a study has suggested. Thirteen to 14-year-olds were less anxious during lockdown than they had been last October, according to the University of Bristol survey. Researchers surveyed 1,000...
Assisted suicide is incompatible with human dignity
The debate about assisted suicide is heating up in Ireland again with a Private Member’s Bill due to come before the Dail that seeks to permit the procedure under certain circumstances. At the core of this debate is the very dangerous assumption that death by a form...
Position Papers – August/September 2020
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The Pope’s Prayer intention for July 2020
The family ought to be protected. It faces many dangers: the fast pace of life, stress… Sometimes, parents forget to play with their children. The Church needs to encourage families and stay at their side, helping them to discover ways that allow them to overcome all...
6666 abortions performed in Ireland last year
By Dr Angelo Bottone We now know how many women had an abortion in Ireland last year; 6666. If you add in the 375 women who went to England for an abortion in 2019, despite our new law, it adds up to 7,041, a horrible figure. The official figures were published today....
New issue of Position Papers
You can read more here.
Demographic Challenges and Sustainable Development. A new chapter for Family Policies in Europe?
Press Release | Demographic Challenges and Sustainable Development. A new chapter for Family Policies in Europe? Brussels, 26 June 2020 “Family Associations are not a lobby group, they are not a trade union, they are not only a consumers’ association; they are, first...
Marriage in Ireland continues its decline
Marriage continues to change and decline in Ireland as the latest figures from the Central Statistics Office show. Fewer marriages are taking place, fewer are taking place in churches, more are taking place between people who were married before and are now divorced,...
Programme for Government will ban pro-life vigils outside hospitals
The newly agreed Programme for Government includes a commitment to impose ‘exclusion zones’ which would stop even silent pro-life vigils outside hospitals and GP surgeries where abortions take place or are facilitated. This is an extreme measure and, as a national...
Demographic challenges in post-pandemic times: an overview of the European Union’s answer to the demographic issue
During the last years, FAFCE has been alerting about the demographic challenges that every European Country has to face. Also as a consequence of the current public health and economic crisis, the EU institutions seem to finally seriously taking up the issue of...
FAFCE co-signed the Manifesto “Europe must not forget independent education and educational pluralism”
FAFCE is happy to announce its support and its signature to the Manifesto “Europe must not forget independent education and educational pluralism“, which stresses that “coronavirus cannot be an excuse to limit acquired rights of parents and civil society. A common...
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: More Family is the Answer to Prevent Elder Abuse
“Promoting a family-friendly culture is the best answer to fight elder abuse. Family associations can play a key-role in overcoming the current ways we take care of the elderly, by creating new structures of solidarity in our communities. Yet, in order for elderly...
Getting the facts right about reversing effects of abortion pills
This week an article attacked Irish doctors who offer medical assistance to women who have taken abortion pills and then changed their minds before the effects were final. The article contains a number of claims that need to be challenged. A chemical abortion consists...
Global Day of Parents: Honouring Motherhood and Fatherhood
Brussels, 1st June 2020 On the Global Day of Parents, FAFCE recalls the importance of motherhood and fatherhood and asks to recognise their fundamental roles during the current pandemic. “The parents – FAFCE’s President, Vincenzo Bassi, said – are those who take the...
Global Day of Parents: Fafce, “at this stage, the key importance of families has been confirmed”. Stop surrogacy
“The problems of this time emphasise the importance of families as the core of society. Today, let’s take the time to honour fathers and mothers and to applaud to them, in acknowledgement of the key role they play in the current pandemic”. This was said by Vincenzo...
Ukraine human rights boss criticises country’s surrogacy industry
The practice of foreigners using the Ukraine as an international surrogacy destination as come under fire as 51 babies born to surrogate mothers lay uncollected due to coronavirus lockdown restrictions. Clients from all over the world including the United States,...
Ireland will be one of the last countries in Europe to restore public worship
While Ireland plans to keep the ban on public religious ceremonies until July 20th, other European countries are allowing public worship again much sooner. In fact, we seem to be one of the last countries to restore public worship. In some countries like Spain,...
FAFCE fully supports the appeal made by the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops to ban all forms of surrogacy
In recent days, a video has been widely spread online, published by a Ukrainian company devoted to the practice of surrogacy. The video shows around 46 crying babies in a hotel conference room converted into a nursery, explaining that these “babies are waiting for...
International Day of the Family: Families are the front line in the pandemic
On the 6th of May 2020, FAFCE held via videoconference its 2020 Spring Board Meeting. 31 representatives of family associations from 18 European Countries gathered to discuss on the European demographic challenges, the Members' activities and the emergency measures...
FAFCE welcomes the EESC Opinion on Demographic challenges
Brussels, 12 May 2020 FAFCE welcomes the Exploratory opinion on "Demographic challenges in the EU in light of economic inequalities and development disparities" adopted by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). This Opinion follows a request of the...
New law takes an axe to the natural ties
This week, the final parts of the Children and Relationship Act 2015 have come into operation. This legislation has changed profoundly the legal arrangement of family relationships but in a way that downgrades the importance of the natural ties. Part 2 and 3, which...
Is the Nuclear Family a Mistake?
In a recent article for The Atlantic, David Brooks claims “The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake” ( He contends that the model of a married couple with 2.5 kids was an anomaly in the 1950s and 1960s, and that this nuclear family model is no...
Marriages in UK fall to a record low
The number of men and women marrying each other has fallen to its lowest level on record, official statistics show. A total of 235,910 such marriages were registered in England and Wales in 2017- a decrease of 2.8% compared with 2016. The number has fallen by 45%...
UK to ban irreversible gender surgery on under 18s
Doctors may no longer conduct surgery to alter the biological sex of children, the equalities minister in the UK has announced. Liz Truss will set out details of the plans later this summer that would ban under-18s with gender dysphoria from genital reconstructive...
Hidden Facts: Domestic Abuse is at its Worst During the Pandemic
Most in the U.S. are on week 3 or more of “social distancing,” or perhaps even a mandated “shelter-in,” and the New York Times is now reporting on an unanticipated and tragic result of the pandemic-protection guidelines: a rise in domestic violence and child abuse....
Covid-19 and the culture of death in the US and Europe
By Paolo Gulisano (translation by Angelo Bottone) The current Covid-19 pandemic has become an extraordinary opportunity for the dissemination of the culture of death. This is happening on a world-wide scale. In the United States, which were incomprehensibly caught “by...
Remembering the heroic priests and nuns who have died in this crisis
Almost one hundred priests including one bishop have died in Italy so far because of Covid-19, mostly in Italy. Many of them were infected while ministering the sick. In other words, they made the ultimate sacrifice while looking after their people, which is a...
Coronavirus Crisis Reminds Us of Eternal Truths of Marriage and Family
In today’s modern world, seemingly everything has been transformed into something political. Eternal truths and universal lived experiences are ignored, cast aside and ridiculed as outdated and even bigoted. Institutions like marriage and family are remade into...
Growing Old, With Family and Friends
Given the past century’s dramatic increases in life expectancy, at least for those living in developed nations, much research is now centering on how to increase the quality of those additional years of life. Adding to this research is a new paper assessing how...
Fertility rates are dropping dangerously worldwide
In 1996, five years before he received the Nobel Prize in economics, George Akerlof in “An Analysis of Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing in the United States” labeled contraception the “technology shock” that gave us the death of the ‘shot-gun marriage’ and the rise of...
Big majority of mothers in Ireland want to work part-time not full-time
New survey shows 61pc of mothers wish to work part-time compared with 29pc of fathers March 9, 2020 – New results from a major international survey show that a big majority of women (61pc) aged 18-50 with children under 18 years of age would prefer to work part-time...
You can find here the latest Family Solidarity Newsletter: Newsletter 87
The nuclear family a ‘catastrophe’? No, but it needs help
Was the nuclear family more trouble than it was worth? The headline on a piece in the prestigious American monthly, The Atlantic, would give the impression that it was. More surprising is that the headline is over an article written by New York Times columnist, David...
The Citizens’ Assembly now has the special status of marriage in its sights
The Citizens’ Assembly on gender equality met just over a week ago. Regrettably, the session on “The family in the constitution and law”, was a prolonged attack on marriage and its special status in the Constitution. Prof. Siobhan Mullaly from NUI Galway, who spoke as...
FAFCE activities
Meetings with Church officials Brussels (21 January) – Our President, Vincenzo Bassi, met the Apostolic Nuncio to the European Union, H. E. Mgr. Lebeaupin. They spoke about the current activities of FAFCE and the Nuncio encouraged very much to go forward in the...
The French Catholic Family Associations demonstrate against the review of the “bioethical laws”
The Catholic Family Associations in France are demonstrating Sunday 19th of January in Paris, against the review of the “bioethical laws The Catholic Family Associations in France are demonstrating next Sunday (19th of January) in Paris, against the review of the...
How can the pro-life movement make a difference
We have just three weeks to make a difference! General Election 2020 to take place on 8th February. We must do our best to increase the number of pro-life TDs in the Dáil. #ge2020 –––– Dear Friend, As you know, Leo Varadkar yesterday confirmed that the General...
A Father Who Honors His Son
By Patrick Fagan Just as Spartan mothers told their sons to “Return with your shield or on it!,” so, too, great parents tutor their children in greatness, each child in his own way. Public honors were the motivator for the great men of Greece, and to this day, we are...
The growing shortage of marriageable men
As women’s economic prospects have risen in recent decades, and that of many men, especially many working class men have declined, so have the odds of some people ever getting married. To put it bluntly; a man with good earning prospects has a better chance of getting...
Minister Harris attacks a Catholic parish for being Catholic
Minister for Health Simon Harris has attacked a parish in Tullamore for a stating that IVF is incompatible with the Catholic faith. In doing so, he has stepped far outside his role as a Government Minister. He needs to mind his own business, which is precisely what...
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New issue of Position Papers: December 2019
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Parents who split before children are six put them at greatest risk of unhappiness, study finds
Parents who split before their children are six years old put youngsters at greater risk of being bullied, feeling lonely and being unhappy at school, a study suggests. Danish researchers who analysed answers given by 219,000 children in the National Well-being...
200 pack meeting against sex-ed in Templeogue, venue received threat of protest
200 people have attended a public meeting in Templeogue expressing opposition to radical changes being proposed to the RSE curriculum for both primary and secondary schools. Many of the parents attending said they were concerned about proposals they described as...
Teaching children that porn can be ethical and positive
By Dr Angelo Bottone Is ‘porn literacy’ something we should be teaching in schools? If so, at what age? What is ‘porn literacy’? Is there such a thing as ‘ethical porn’? To what extent will these things be part of the planned new Relationships and Sexuality Education...
‘Porn alphabet games’ advocated by leading campaigner for new Sexual Education programme for school children
A “porn workshop” featuring ‘porn alphabet games’ is being advocated by a leading campaigner for a new Sexual Education programme for school children. A selection of potential terms to be explained in workshops was posted by Kate Dawson of NUIG, a porn studies...
Ireland reaches the next taboo: adult incest
The central driving force of the sex revolution, namely the belief that anything goes between consenting adults, continues to work its remorseless logic, toppling taboo after taboo. It has now reached the next one, according to a report in the Irish Times; adult...
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An important voice in favour of fathers speaks out
The French parliament is debating a new law which will extend assisted reproduction to single women and lesbian couples as well. What is interesting is the fact that no less a body than the National Academy of Medicine has objected to the proposed reform on the ground...
COMECE Assembly “Autumn 2019” to focus on EU ecological policies centered on persons, families and communities
Delegates of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union will gather in Brussels on 23-25 October 2019 to participate in the Autumn 2019 COMECE Assembly, with the participation of H. Em. Card. Jean-Claude Hollerich S.J., President of COMECE. In the context of the...
The Latest Family Solidarity Newsletter is now available
Family Solidarity’s Annual General Meeting Saturday 9th November.11.30 am (Mass) till approx 4 pm in ELY House, Finger food lunch at 1 o’clock, follow by short addresses from Petra Conroy (about the Faith on Fire project) and Niamh Uí Bhriain and others...
New Issue of Position Papers: October 2019
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How Happy Couples Argue
In marriage, conflict is inevitable. Even the happiest couples argue. And research shows they tend to argue about the same topics as unhappy couples: children, money, in-laws, intimacy. So, what distinguishes happy couples? According to “What are the Marital Problems...
Mother’s happiness makes nearly twice as much difference to family life
New research suggests distinct but complementary roles for mothers and fathers in married and family life. According to the research, a mother’s happiness is nearly twice as important as a father’s when it comes to family life and the chances of the couple staying...
Top Human Rights Court: Norway violated parental rights
Today (10 September 2019), the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights found that Norway violated the fundamental right to family life through the actions of its child welfare services. Strand Lobben v. Norway was one of several cases appealed to the...
New world disorder, old world disorder
I’m here in California, in San Francisco, deep in the heart of liberal progressivist America. I arrived from Ireland over a week ago and as I did so I wondered would I be experiencing something of a culture shock, would I be falling out of the Irish frying pan of PC...
The grim reality of surrogacy in Ukraine
Irish media often present surrogacy as an uncontroversial option for couples who struggle with infertility but we rarely hear reports about children who have been abandoned by commissioning adults, or about the poor women who have acted as surrogates and regret it....
Minister for Children usurping parental rights
By Margaret Hickey New mother Ruth Davidson cited personal reasons as the primary reason for resigning as leader of the Scottish Conservative party. The care of a small baby and fulfilling a demanding public role didn’t combine well for her. But then every young...
Love In An Age Of Information Overload
When it comes to information, humanity has been playing a vast game of Tetris for thousands of years. New blocks of information are constantly being formed as we acquire new knowledge. As we encounter them, our objective is to rotate and place these informational...
New issue of Position Papers: August/September 2019
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Death of Dutch teenager was euthanasia by another name
When 17 year old Noa Pothoven died recently in the Netherlands following a long period of mental illness, it was initially and erroneously reported that she died by lethal injection under her country’s euthanasia law. In fact, she was allowed to refuse food and...
UN report warns against all forms of surrogacy
Both commercial and so-called ‘altruistic’ surrogacy could amount to the sale of children, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children has warned. Our Government normally likes to listen to the UN. Will it do so on this...
The risk factors leading to marital breakdown
Do marriages that end in separation or divorce share certain traits, risk factors that allow us to predict which couples will stay together and which ones will not? The answer is, yes.In my previous blog I referred to the studies of Paul Amato, a sociologist of...
Children suffer when parents in low-conflict marriages divorce
We are in the middle of a referendum right now on whether the waiting time required before a couple can divorce should be removed from the Constitution. It therefore seems a good time to look at the general issue of divorce, and in particular on what makes a person...
In England the abortion situation becomes worse
The UK Office for Nationals Statistics has released the 2017 data on pregnancies in England and Wales. When compared with the statistics about abortion, those data give us a frightening account of the situation: pregnancies and births are decreasing while abortions...
Time for a bigger spotlight on rogue fertility clinics
We hear a lot in the papers about ‘rogue’ pro-life counselling agencies. But what of rogue fertility clinics? The fertility business is huge and anxious couples pay a very great deal of money in their efforts to become pregnant, efforts that often result in failure....
Ireland must have a debate about gene-editing
Ireland needs to have a debate about the use of ‘CRISPR’ technology, a gene-editing technique that can affect the DNA of future generations of human beings. A number of eminent scientists and bioethicists have recently called for a moratorium on techniques to make...
Our politicians’ blind spot about the natural ties and children
The Oireachtas Health Committee met recently for the last pre-legislative scrutiny of the Bill that will regulate Assisted Human Reproduction (AHR). The hearings have confirmed that the Committee suffers from huge blind spots about some of pitfalls of AHR and the...
No strong evidence that free contraception will reduce abortion rate
Health Minister Simon Harris wants the State to provide free contraception as a way of reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies. Evidence from other countries suggests that his plan won’t work and may be another waste of public money that would be better spent...
Little evidence that sex education programmes actually work
A big review of the way Relationships and Sexuality Education is underway, led by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. Yet, an absolutely crucial question that needs to be considered in all this is whether RSE-type programmes even work. What outcomes...
Vast majority of couples who carry a terminally ill baby to term do not regret it
The diagnosis of a life-limiting condition in an unborn baby is always devastating. These hard cases played a big part in last year’s referendum and moved many people to vote to repeal the 8th amendment. However, new studies show that the vast majority of couples who...
New report on RSE only pretends to be ‘objective’
Earlier this week the Joint Committee on Education presented a report on Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE). This report has two main flaws: it undermines the role of the school ethos in RSE and it fails to address the question of what the purpose of RSE...
UCD conference gives us a foretaste of the coming push for a ‘right-to-die’
In a foretaste of the next big right-to-life debate in this country, a major conference was held in Dublin last week on end-of-life issues. Many of the speakers present had no qualms about defending the so-called “right to die”, often on very broad grounds.The...
Laws banning protests outside abortion facilities are extremely rare
Minister Simon Harris has promised to introduce “exclusion zones” to prevent protests outside hospitals, clinics and GP surgeries where abortions take place or abortion pills are prescribed. This would make us the only country in Europe to have such a law, as Lawyers...
Refusing to engage with the ethical harms of surrogacy and donor-conception
The General Scheme of the Assisted Human Reproduction Bill was before the Oireachtas Health Committee this week. The proposed law covers such issues as sperm and egg and embryo “donations”, pre-implantation diagnosis and sex selection, embryonic and stem cell...
Why the State should tax married couples less
Should single people pay less tax and married people pay more than under the present Irish system? That seems to be the gist of an article in the Irish Times this week. In tones of regret, it said that “while society has moved forward in so many ways over recent...
Save the date for the Rally For Life!
This year's Rally for Life, organised by the Life Institute, takes place on 6th July in Dublin City Centre.It sounds like a cliché to say that it’s more important than ever that pro-life advocates gather and stand up for life, but it really is vital in these deeply...
New issue of Position Papers: June/July 2019
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New issue of Position Papers: May 2019
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