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The Synod on Synodality: Process and Outcomes

The Synod on Synodality: Process and Outcomes

Dear Friends, Family Solidarity is delighted to invite you to a special webinar discussing "The Synod on Synodality: Process and Outcomes", following the conclusion of the Synod on Sunday, 27th October. This insightful event will take place on Monday, 28th October at...

Terence Horgan (1937 – 2024)

Terence Horgan (1937 – 2024)

Terence Horgan (1937 – 2024)   Terry Horgan, who died on 4th January 2024 after a long illness, was one of the founding members of Family Solidarity and a loyal supporter. Born in Loughrea in 1937, the second youngest of eleven children, three of whom became...

Irish referendum on family and motherhood: “common sense is back”

Irish referendum on family and motherhood: “common sense is back”

PRESS RELEASE from FAFCE Irish referendum on family and motherhood: “common sense is back” Brussels, 11th of March 2024 The people of the Republic of Ireland rejected proposed constitutional changes during two referendum votes on Friday. Family networks were crucial...

 A Historic Victory for Family Values

 A Historic Victory for Family Values

On International Women’s Day, the proposed referendum to redefine the family in the Irish Constitution has been resoundingly defeated. Our country has shown its commitment to the traditional understanding of the family as based on marriage. This vote stands as a...

Marriage should maintain its exclusivity

Marriage should maintain its exclusivity

From the FAFCE website Ireland: Marriage should maintain its exclusivity Brussels, the 12th of February 2024 On the 8th March, Irish citizens will be voting in referendums to amend parts of its constitution. Two amendments will be on the ballot on International...

Vote NO on both referendum proposals

Vote NO on both referendum proposals

On the 8th of March, we are presented with a pivotal choice in two critical referendums. The first proposal seeks to fundamentally alter the Constitution's understanding of the family, shifting from its traditional foundation in marriage to a vague notion of “other...

Surrogate motherhood: it’s high time for a universal ban

Surrogate motherhood: it’s high time for a universal ban

PRESS RELEASE I Surrogate motherhood: it’s high time for a universal ban In his address to the Diplomatic Corps, Pope Francis made an appeal along the same lines as the Casablanca Declaration, which will be the subject of an international conference in Rome on 5 and 6...

Natasha Kavanagh from the Natural Women's Council spoke at our 2023 AGM about the recent changes in the sex education courses in Irish schools. Here are some of the resources mentioned in the video:...

Pre-Rally for Life talk with Isabel Vaughan-Spruce

Pre-Rally for Life talk with Isabel Vaughan-Spruce

This year’s Rally for Life will take place in Dublin on Saturday 1st July. Following the success of last year's event featuring Dr. Dermot Kearney, Family Solidarity is thrilled to host a pre-rally talk with a special guest from England: Isabel Vaughan-Spruce....

Marriage in Ireland still declining despite a bumper 2022

Marriage in Ireland still declining despite a bumper 2022

The number of marriages that took place in 2022 saw a significant increase on 2021, but this was mainly due to the postponement of weddings during the Covid pandemic. Overall, the marriage rate in Ireland remains low compared with a few decades ago. In all, 23,173...

Webinar on the European Certificate of Parenthood

Webinar on the European Certificate of Parenthood

The European Commission is trying to circumvent the national legislation on parentage and create a cross-border “European Certificate of Parenthood” that would be valid in all the European Union state members. This means that those states that do not recognise...

Watch “A special family” webinar

Watch “A special family” webinar

Watch our heartwarming and informative webinar with Anna Buday and her family on World Down Syndrome Day. With five children, including one with Down Syndrome, Anna has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. During this webinar, Anna and her family shared...

Children are left unprotected against extreme pornography

Children are left unprotected against extreme pornography

There is an urgent need to protect children from online pornography, according to a new report by the UK Children’s Commissioner. To tackle this problem, obligatory age verification to watch porn will be introduced soon in France. Ireland should consider something...

NCCA confirms worst suspicions of parents about gender ideology

NCCA confirms worst suspicions of parents about gender ideology

Many Parents have expressed serious concerns about proposed changes to the Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) curriculum for junior cycle students (age 12-15). These are stated in response to a consultation process initiated by the National Council for...

 The dangers of a “European parenthood certificate”

 The dangers of a “European parenthood certificate”

3rd of February 2023, Brussels “A child is not an entitlement and parenthood is not a right; rather, a child is a gift and parenthood is a responsibility.” These were the words of FAFCE’s President, Vincenzo Bassi, in an open letter reacting to the announcement of an...



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Demographic Winter: Future in Danger

Demographic Winter: Future in Danger

Brussels, 9 January 2023 “With his words of today to the Diplomatic Corps, the Holy Father reminded the whole world of the centrality of the demographic question, particularly visible in Italy and throughout southern Europe. The demographic issue concerns all, and it...

Government recognising commercial surrogacy in all but name

Government recognising commercial surrogacy in all but name

The Government has approved a legislative proposal to recognise and facilitate what amounts to commercial surrogacy abroad, a practice banned almost everywhere in Europe because it commodifies babies and exploits low-income women. The Government denies it will...

An Ireland without Down Syndrome

An Ireland without Down Syndrome

The Master of the Rotunda, Professor Fergal Malone, has revealed that up to 95pc of parents who are informed by the hospital that their unborn babies have Down Syndrome (DS) opt for abortion. This is a horrifying figure that appears to have soared since the abortion...

“The Synod in Ireland”

“The Synod in Ireland”

Here you can find the recording of the talk on "The Synod in Ireland" given by Dr John Murray (DCU) at the Family Solidarity 2022 AGM, 3rd December, in Dublin.  

Talk on the Synod in Ireland

Talk on the Synod in Ireland

Dr John Murray (DCU) will give a talk on the "Synod in Ireland" on Saturday 3rd December at 12.00 in Ely House, Dublin 2.   This event is part of the Family Solidarity 2022 AGM.  We will begin with Mass in the chapel at 11.00, then the talk, which is open to everyone,...

The coming ‘depopulation bomb’

The coming ‘depopulation bomb’

A moral transformation, rather than social policies, will stop the de-population bomb claims Dr Nicholas Eberstadt, an expert in demography, in a new interview called the ‘De-Population Bomb’. For years we have been warned of the dangers of an increasing world...

An open letter to the Bishops of Ireland

An open letter to the Bishops of Ireland

Family Solidarity and the Synodal Pathway An open letter to the Bishops of Ireland   Dublin, 18th October 2022   Your Excellencies, Since when the national and the worldwide synodal pathways were announced last year, Family Solidarity has been actively...

Government’s latest legislative programme bad news for pro-lifers

Government’s latest legislative programme bad news for pro-lifers

This Dail is back in session. What are some of the issues we should be looking out for in the autumn term? One is the promised “hate crimes” bill which may affect freedom of religious expression. Another, not totally unrelated, is the proposal to ban pro-lifers from...

Exploring the link between family breakdown and anti-social behaviour

Exploring the link between family breakdown and anti-social behaviour

When we see reports about anti-social behaviour and criminality – for example, the ramming of a garda car in Dublin this week – no-one ever explores whether there might be a link with family breakdown. It would be surprising if this was not sometimes the case. Plenty...

Why Governments should pay more attention to family stability

Why Governments should pay more attention to family stability

Almost half of children born in the UK in 2000 did not grow up with both of their biological parents throughout their childhood, according to a new report by the Children’s Commissioner, Rachel de Souza. This is because so many are born to lone parents, or else see...

Pre Rally for Life talk with Dr Dermot Kearney

Pre Rally for Life talk with Dr Dermot Kearney

The Rally for Life will take place in Dublin on the 2nd July and, for this occasion, Family Solidarity has organised a special pre-rally talk with Dr Dermot Kearney. Dr Kearney has saved dozens of babies in England, helping their mothers who had taken an abortion pill...

Marriage in Ireland continues its decline

Marriage in Ireland continues its decline

New figures from the Central Statistics Office throw light on the changing nature of marriage in Ireland. The number of marriages went up in 2021, however, it hasn’t reached the pre-Covid levels.  Many Catholic weddings were postponed last year but they are the most...

A landmark victory for a pro-life doctor

Dr Dermot Kearney is an Irish physician working in England. Through use of the Abortion Pill Reversal  (APR) treatment, he has saved at least 20 babies who would otherwise have been lost to abortion. Abortion provider, Marie Stopes International, made a complaint...

The poor state of marriage across the EU

The poor state of marriage across the EU

Ireland had one of the lowest marriage rates in Europe in 2020, according to new data from Eurostat. This was the year Covid emerged, so marriage rates dropped everywhere, but Ireland was particularly bad, and the rate was already low. Figures from Eurostat show that...

Rosary and get together

Rosary and get together

Rosary and get together for families. Sunday 15th May, at 3.00 pm in Dublin 4. For more info contact

FAFCE Board: Families and family associations, builders of peace

FAFCE Board: Families and family associations, builders of peace

Vác, 6 May 2022 FAFCE Board gathered in the city of Vác (Hungary), from the 4th to the 6th of May. These three days meeting represents an important moment of dialogue for Catholic Family Associations in Europe, during which the main guidelines of their action at the...



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CALL FOR DONATIONS to support Ukrainian families

CALL FOR DONATIONS to support Ukrainian families

Following last week's FAFCE appeal for peace in Ukraine, our Members and Partner Associations wish to commit concretely to support Ukrainian families fleeing the war. Indeed, as associations of European families, we feel the responsibility to support our brothers and...

New law will allow use of gametes from a deceased person

New law will allow use of gametes from a deceased person

The new assisted reproduction legislation will allow the use of sperm or eggs from a deceased person. Fatherless children will be created intentionally. The Irish government has approved the publication of the Assisted Human Reproduction Bill 2022 that will legislate...

Religious practice makes us happy

Religious practice makes us happy

Religious practice makes us happy, says Laurie Santos who teaches classes on the psychology of happiness at Yale University. In an interview with the New York Times magazine, the popular cognitive scientist discusses what contributes to our happiness and, among other...

The Synodal Pathway in Ireland

The Synodal Pathway in Ireland

Here below you can find the recording of the webinar on "The Synodal Pathway" organised by Family Solidarity on February 3rd 2022. The slides used by Dr Brady and Bishop Leahy can be downloaded here.

Webinar on “The Synodal Pathway”

Webinar on “The Synodal Pathway”

Family Solidarity invites you to a webinar on “The Irish Synodal Pathway” with Bishop Brendan Leahy (Bishop of Limerick) and Dr Nicola Brady (Chair of the Steering Committee). Thursday 3rd February 2022 at 7.00 pm on Zoom. Request link by email...

The female victims of anti-Christian persecution

The female victims of anti-Christian persecution

In many countries, Christian women and girls suffer abduction, rape, forced conversion and forced marriage, according to a new report. But social stigma and fear of reprisal from perpetrators keep their stories mostly unheard. The “Hear her cries: Kidnapping, forced...

Family and Synodality: a call for participation

Family and Synodality: a call for participation

  The synodality is a call for mutual listening between all the members of the Church, and inspired by the Holy Spirit. Encouraged by the opening of the Synod, family associations wish to become protagonists of the synodal movement initiated by Pope Francis. In...

Webinar: The Synodal Church of the 21st century

Webinar: The Synodal Church of the 21st century

On 14th October, Family Solidarity hosted a webinar with Jason Osborne, journalist with the Irish Catholic. The title of the talk was "The Synodal Church of the 21st century: a young, married man's prespective". A recording of the webinar can be watched...

Webinar: What should we expect from the Synod?

Webinar: What should we expect from the Synod?

Family Solidarity webinar: What should we expect from the Synod? Speaker: Jason Osborne 14th October 2021 at 7.30 Pm (Irish Time) on Zoom Request link by email to Jason Osborne is a journalist with The Irish Catholic newspaper. Before...

Our newsletter n. 93 is now available. You can find it here.

Day for Life 2021

Day for Life 2021

Day for Life is celebrated annually by the Catholic Church in Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness of the meaning and value of human life at every stage and in every condition. This year’s Day for Life will be celebrated in...

Missing marriage and the baby carriage

Missing marriage and the baby carriage

All around the Western world, people are marrying later or not at all. The average Irish couple is now well into their 30s by the time they tie the knot, and marriage rates in Ireland have plunged since the 1970s. A similar pattern exists in Canada, where a new...

Religion had positive effect on mental health during lockdown

Religion had positive effect on mental health during lockdown

The benefits of religion to mental health are well documented and its positive impact during the pandemic has been confirmed by a number of recent studies. Covid-19 has had a profound effect on our lives. Significant moments such as baptisms, first communions,...

Ireland’s rising number of divorces will harm children

Ireland’s rising number of divorces will harm children

There was a huge increase of applications for divorce last year. It was the highest number since divorce was introduced in 1997. There are many reasons why we should be worried about it, not least because children affected by parental divorce have a higher risk of...

Assisted suicide Bill was too flawed to continue

Assisted suicide Bill was too flawed to continue

The Private Member’s Bill to legalise assisted suicide and euthanasia, proposed by Deputy Gino Kenny, has been rejected by the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Justice as it contains serious flaws and it was criticised by the majority of the public submissions,...

Ireland’s abortion rate increased last year

Ireland’s abortion rate increased last year

A total of 6,577 women had an abortion in Ireland in 2020, according to a report presented today by the Department of Health. That is slightly down on the figure of 6,666 in 2019, but the ratio (number of abortions per live births) is up, because fewer women became...

Why Europe needs a common day of rest

Why Europe needs a common day of rest

Once upon a time, not so long ago, Sunday was considered a day of rest. But now, like every other day of the week, it has basically been captured by the demands of commerce. So there is no longer a communal day of rest in a lot of countries. This needs to change....

Major new Irish study finds family structure matters

Major new Irish study finds family structure matters

One of the great taboos in modern Irish debate is pointing out that family structure matters, and makes a difference to the lives of children. Such a declaration is considered to be offensive and judgemental. But suppose it is true, and suppose certain family...

Saint Joseph and his role in the family

Saint Joseph and his role in the family

The Holy Father has designated the year from 8th December 2020 to 8th December 2021 as the Year of Saint Joseph. Family Solidarity hosted a Webinar on the 13th March 2021 featuring Father Jesse Maingot O.P. who talked on Saint Joseph in his role in the family....

Being a mother is the best gift

Being a mother is the best gift

MOTHERHOOD IS THE BEST GIFT Women of the World Platform and the undersigning entities declare that: 1.- Motherhood is the best gift not only for a woman and her family but for the whole society that should rejoice with motherhood, respect it, support it and celebrate...

Upcoming webinar: The family as antitode to loneliness

Upcoming webinar: The family as antitode to loneliness

On the 13th May, the Federation of Catholic Family Associations will host a Webinar entitled ‘The Family: antidote to loneliness, beyond the pandemic’. Loneliness is a deep disease of our era, as prophetically announced by Pope Francis shortly before the beginning of...

Racial equality report highlights importance of traditional family

Racial equality report highlights importance of traditional family

A constant theme of The Iona Institute, indeed one of the chief reasons it was founded, is to point out that family structure matters, and specifically that when mothers and fathers raise their children together, the children are likely to do better in life. A major...

Law Society blasts Ireland’s family law courts as “third world”

Law Society blasts Ireland’s family law courts as “third world”

The chair of the Law Society’s Family and Child Law Committee, Helen Coughlan, has said that Ireland has been left with “third world infrastructure” in the family courts and that urgent investment is needed to prevent children and vulnerable people from paying the...

Less than one in five people want to put children in day-care

Less than one in five people want to put children in day-care

On a regular basis, there are calls for the Irish State to invest more in day-care so that parents can afford to go out to work. The underlying assumption all the time is that this is something most parents want. This is a highly dubious proposition. In 2013, The Iona...

Webinar on Saint Joseph

Webinar on Saint Joseph

The Holy Father has designated the year from 8th December 2020 to 8th December 2021, as the  Year of Saint Joseph. Family Solidarity will host a Webinar on the 13th March 2021 featuring Father Colm Mannion O.P.  who will Talk on Saint Joseph in his role in the family....

Five Ideas for Strengthening a Pandemic-Stressed Marriage

Five Ideas for Strengthening a Pandemic-Stressed Marriage

Last year about this time, my husband and I were eagerly anticipating a weekend away at the Worldwide Marriage Encounter renewal retreat that we’ve attended for the past three years with about 100 other married couples. At the end of February, my mother traveled up...

How the 8th amendment saved hundreds of babies with Down Syndrome

How the 8th amendment saved hundreds of babies with Down Syndrome

Thanks to prenatal screening, far fewer babies with Down Syndrome are being born than was once the case. A recent study shows that across Europe as a whole, the reduction is in the order of half, but in Ireland prior to the introduction of abortion two years ago, it...

Two upcoming webinars

Two upcoming webinars

On the Saturday 13th February 2021 at 11 am (Irish Time)  we will host a webinar  featuring the President of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations of Europe,  Vincenzo  Bassi and the immediate Past President  Antoine Renard who will describe  the Federation's...

In 2021, go to Joseph!

In 2021, go to Joseph!

A year of graces After the experience of 2020, many people are wondering what to expect in this year beginning. Of course we cannot tell what the future holds, but we can be sure that this year will be a time of many and great graces since the Holy Father has declared...

A protest letter to the RTE Complaints Department

A protest letter to the RTE Complaints Department

This is the text of the letter sent by our chairman to the RTE Complaints Department   Dear Sir/Madam We refer to the NYE Countdown Show fronted by Kathryn Thomas and Deirdre O'Kane broadcast on 31/12/2020 that contained two items described as 'Waterford...

How lockdown has broken some marriages and improved others

How lockdown has broken some marriages and improved others

The lockdown has not worsened marriage, according to a new study. Fewer parents than before reported that they were considering divorce and 20pc said that their relationship has improved. What is the effect of the lockdown on marriage and relationships? When it began...

Oppose Child Euthanasia

Oppose Child Euthanasia

The Netherlands Minister of Health, Hugo de Jonge, announced on October 12 that their government will amend or re-interpret the euthanasia law to permit child euthanasia. Please sign this petition and express your opposition to child euthanasia: ...