Press Release Latvia: FAFCE supports the Constitutional Amendment in favour of Marriage and Family Brussels, 12 January 2021 “We support the efforts of the Latvian legislators towards the recognition of marriage as the stable union of a man and a woman, at the basis...
This is the text of the letter sent by our chairman to the RTE Complaints Department Dear Sir/Madam We refer to the NYE Countdown Show fronted by Kathryn Thomas and Deirdre O’Kane broadcast on 31/12/2020 that contained two items described as...
The lockdown has not worsened marriage, according to a new study. Fewer parents than before reported that they were considering divorce and 20pc said that their relationship has improved. What is the effect of the lockdown on marriage and relationships? When it began...
More than 90 per cent of married parents will still be together in five years’ time compared with just three-quarters of cohabiting families, new research has found. Pro-marriage campaigners say the study proves that an official commitment ‘boosts stability and acts...
FAFCE WEBINAR on the EU recovery and its investment in the family: “Without families and family associations there is no future for Europe” In cooperation with our Spanish member Foro de la Familia, FAFCE organised an online event on 3 December 2020 to discuss the EU...