Family Solidarity and the Synodal Pathway An open letter to the Bishops of Ireland Dublin, 18th October 2022 Your Excellencies, Since when the national and the worldwide synodal pathways were announced last year, Family Solidarity has been actively...
The European Commission published on the 11th of May 2022 a proposal of Recommendation laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse. This new piece of legislation aims to resolve the difficult implementation of the 2011 Child Sexual Abuse Directive by...
This Dail is back in session. What are some of the issues we should be looking out for in the autumn term? One is the promised “hate crimes” bill which may affect freedom of religious expression. Another, not totally unrelated, is the proposal to ban pro-lifers from...
When we see reports about anti-social behaviour and criminality – for example, the ramming of a garda car in Dublin this week – no-one ever explores whether there might be a link with family breakdown. It would be surprising if this was not sometimes the case. Plenty...