On the Saturday 13th February 2021 at 11 am (Irish Time) we will host a webinar featuring the President of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations of Europe, Vincenzo Bassi and the immediate Past President Antoine Renard who will describe the Federation’s activities particularly in respect to their interactions with the European Parliamentarian, the European Commission and the Council of Europe on behalf of the family and associated matters. The Federation is known as FAFCE (see https://www.fafce.org ). There will be an opportunity to ask the speakers questions after their talks.
You may register to attend by sending an email to familysolidarityireland@gmail.com, saying FAFCE Webinar and we will send you a link for Saturday 13th February at 11 am.
The Holy Father has designated the year from 8th December 2020 to 8th December 2021, as the Year of Saint Joseph..
We will host a second Webinar on the 13th March 2021 featuring Father Colm Mannion O.P. who will Talk on Saint Joseph in his role in the family.
You may register to attend by sending an email to familysolidarityireland@gmail.com, saying Saint Joseph Webinar and we will send you a link for Saturday 13th March at 11 am.
All interested are welcome to attend either or both webinars!