Family Solidarity invites you to a webinar on “The Irish Synodal Pathway” with Bishop Brendan Leahy (Bishop of Limerick) and Dr Nicola Brady (Chair of the Steering Committee). Thursday 3rd February 2022 at 7.00 pm on Zoom. Request link by email...
Dear Mr. President, Following your speech at the European Parliament on the occasion of the start of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, we would like to express our concerns about some contradictions in your statement. While on the one hand...
In many countries, Christian women and girls suffer abduction, rape, forced conversion and forced marriage, according to a new report. But social stigma and fear of reprisal from perpetrators keep their stories mostly unheard. The “Hear her cries: Kidnapping, forced...
The College of Psychiatrists of Ireland (College of Psychiatrists) has warned that physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia (PAS-E) is not compatible with good medical care and that its introduction in Ireland could place vulnerable patients at risk. PAS-E is also...
Here you can find the recording of the webinar “Family and Synodality: a call for participation”. These are the Powerpoint slides showed by St Nathalie.