The Master of the Rotunda, Professor Fergal Malone, has revealed that up to 95pc of parents who are informed by the hospital that their unborn babies have Down Syndrome (DS) opt for abortion. This is a horrifying figure that appears to have soared since the abortion...
Here you can find the recording of the talk on “The Synod in Ireland” given by Dr John Murray (DCU) at the Family Solidarity 2022 AGM, 3rd December, in Dublin.
Dr John Murray (DCU) will give a talk on the “Synod in Ireland” on Saturday 3rd December at 12.00 in Ely House, Dublin 2. This event is part of the Family Solidarity 2022 AGM. We will begin with Mass in the chapel at 11.00, then the talk, which is open...
A moral transformation, rather than social policies, will stop the de-population bomb claims Dr Nicholas Eberstadt, an expert in demography, in a new interview called the ‘De-Population Bomb’. For years we have been warned of the dangers of an increasing world...
FAFCE held yesterday a conference at the European Parliament on « Challenges and dangers of children exposure to sexual explicit content in the digital era”, hosted by MEP François-Xavier Bellamy (EPP, France). Participants and Members of the European Parliament had...